Community Involvement

& Giving Back

Some Of The Charities We Support

Co-Workers generously donate time to volunteer at diverse organizations such as:

Oasis – A Haven for Women and Children
Boys and Girls Club of Paterson and Passaic
Habitat for Humanity
Save The Animal Rescue Team (START)
and more will be added!

We welcome input from any co-worker who may have a charitable organization worthy of support.

To help assist in this endeavor, and carry out the last part of our mission statement, “sharing our resources to benefit others.” the RCC Charity Committee was established. Co-workers are encouraged to submit requests for charitable organizations they are involved in and wish to support through volunteer efforts, clothing drives, supplies donations or financial assistance.

The Charity Committee keeps the company informed of opportunities to support, provides updates on volunteer outings and reminds us that there is a little humanitarian in all of us and together, we can make a difference.

In an effort to continuously support charitable organizations, and remain dedicated to giving back even when our day-to-day tasks lead our thoughts in other directions, the Charity Committee implemented the “Giving Grocer” to broaden our knowledge of the caring aspect of some outstanding businesses.

Each month the Paterson Office features a new product from an organization that upholds the hallmark of giving back. While their benefactors may differ from ours, their commitment to sharing their resources is commendable.

Building a Caring Culture

The philanthropic mindset of RCC and charitable contributions add to the company’s robust culture and enhance the working environment. From executive-level management to interns, every co-worker is invited to volunteer. RCC takes pride in being a good corporate citizen and will continue to give back to the communities in which we live and work.

Giving Grocers:

  • Newman’s Own – Founder Paul Newman started the company with the declaration, “Let’s give it all away to those who need it!”
  • Justin’s – An organization with a focus on making a positive and meaningful impact on the world by using high-quality, sustainable ingredients bases on the manner in which they are grown, handled and shipped. Justin’s also donates money and meals to organizations within the U.S. that feed hungry families and children.
  • The Rotten Fruit Box focuses on helping small farmers while donating a percentage of their sales to help fight hunger.


for Kids


Charity Game